Who the fox are we?

We give you the information, advice and confidence you need to bring solar energy into your home.

Our Story

GreenFox Energy’s founders, Eddie Curran and Andy Murphy, have spent most of their careers delivering award-winning service for customers and businesses in the retail and financial services sectors. So when they stumbled into the UK’s solar energy market, they couldn’t believe how poorly its customers were being served.

Their initial experience came from hunting for their own solar power help.

Subsequently, they surveyed thousands of customers and it became clear to them that many solar energy installers:

  • Lacked basic knowledge

  • Weren’t appropriately certified

  • Gave incorrect advice

  • Made excessive claims about the scale of savings achievable

  • Left customers without post-installation support and no understanding of how to get the best from their investments.

What our customers say


The new standard-bearer for solar.

That’s why GreenFox was born.

We exist to make sure that the UK’s homeowners have a better solar energy option to rely on. So you can expect clear, impartial & jargon-free advice from the off and at every step of your solar journey. We also provide detailed estimates of the power you can expect to generate and the savings you’ll make (all based on information that you give to us and government approved calculations).

And when it comes to the installation crunch, we use local fitting teams incentivised to treat you and your home with the utmost care and respect.

In short, our contracts penalise fitters if they don’t meet our high standards, but we pay them more if they do (which we discover via the customer satisfaction surveys we carry out after every job).


aka ‘Ginger Fox’

Andy likes nothing more than to talk about solar energy and the reductions that a well designed system can make to household electricity bills. While converting more and more people to clean, green energy makes Andy very happy, he’s probably best avoided at parties. Before founding GreenFox with Eddie, Andy was the Chief Operating Officer of a major high street retailer (the one that wins awards for customer service and has Christmas Ads that make you cry).


aka ‘Grey Fox’

Eddie is the proud owner of a Solis 6kW solar inverter and 2 Puredrive batteries. Along with 15 Canadian Solar panels, these smart devices help Eddie run his family home 74% more efficiently and top-up the family's electric vehicles, whilst doing good for the planet, making him very smug and proud about his savvy choices. Before founding GreenFox with Andy, Eddie spent over 25 years developing technology and consulting in Financial Services and Retail across Europe and the US.


Does the sun need to shine all the time for my solar panels to work?

No, solar panels work in all daylight conditions. There will be times when your panels won’t generate sufficient to provide all your household electricity and your system will take power from the grid, but there will also be times when your panels produce more energy than you use – and that’s why a storage battery can be a smart investment!

How long does it take to install solar?

Most household solar installations take 1-3 days to complete and the disruption tends to be less than people fear. Scaffolding is necessary for most two-storey houses. This may need to be put up in the days before the installation team arrive to mount the panels on the roof and install the battery & the inverter (the ‘brain’ of the system).

How do I get paid for electricity I don’t use?

All GreenFox installations are eligible for energy providers, Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) tariffs, but you must have a Smart or Automated Meter Reading (AMR) meter that can obtain half hourly readings. We’ll check your meter for you when we visit and can give you advice on all of this.

Can I benefit from low-cost electricity at night?

Yes – providing we install a storage battery and you have a Time of Use (ToU) energy tariff. This allows you to store electricity generated at night and use it to power your home during the high-cost hours during the day.

How can I be sure I’m getting the most out of my solar installation?

GreenFox can help you to run and manage your solar energy system. Our Vixen Care Plan* and Cub Optimisation* software give you total control and the support you need to get the most out of your investment in solar power. *Coming soon – Q4 2023.

Contact us

Register your interest here and we’ll happily get in touch to discuss your needs (don’t worry, there’s no hard sell, jargon or exaggerated claims with us, just common sense and plain speaking)

We only use industry certified products and installers

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